Thursday, 8 September 2011


Sunday was spent in the garden. The long holiday we had certainly meant there was some tidying up to do, and some surprises! The veg had really come on.

Trish also got a free IPOD from her work and she was keen to download some songs to it. After a quick tutorial she was away. Musicals though! Part of her 82 CD set!

Monday was back to work and risking life and limb cycling in Luton. Here is a picture of a bike lane I have to negotiate. However, motorists seem to think it's somewhere for them to park. I have complained to the laughingly called 'Safer Neighbourhood Team' who say it's 'nothing to do with them'

Tuesday I discovered a new group, which I always love doing. Worth a listen for sure

On my way to work on Wednesday, I spotted two cars without tax. Here is one of them. it's possible to send the reg. number to Swansea via the DVLA website. This car's tax ran out in April but it's still on the road. Why should I pay and they not?

You're nicked!

On Thursday I went to Physio in Harpenden, where I used to live. Got there a bit early so cycled round a bit. I had forgotten what a lovely town it is. Apart from the fact that the A6 runs straight through the middle.

High Street Harpenden

The hospital is at the top of the road where I used to live, so I thought I would have a look at my old flat. When I did, I was glad I decided to move from there. Half of the building has been demolished due to severe subsidence. My flat was still there, but only just. For those who visited me there, look at this. If you remember, my flat was the one with the brown door. I knew there was something wrong when I lived there. I moved after 18 months. It had bad damp, with large mushrooms growing on the roof of the garage under the flats. it was lovely inside, a spacious lounge and bedroom.

4 Reed Place.

Friday, I finally made it out with JD. I had to bribe him with the promise of a bag of chewy liquorice which I found in Tesco. We went to the Old English Rose one of only TWO decent pubs on Luton selling various real ales. He was in good form and we had a good session.

The English Rose-Traditional.

Saturday we went out to our Local Mexican with Mike and Helen. The food was good as was the company

I forced Mike to dress for the occasion!

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