Friday 11 June 2010


Like it or loathe it, and I love it, the Football World Cup is with us again. The build up has been relentless and once again English flags and pennants have sprung up all over the place willing our nation, usually nothing to be proud of, to step up to the plate and this time...just this time, do us proud. The inclusion of five Spurs players this time round can only be good of course, my boys will be fresh from an inspiring season in the league and ready to continue their form for their nation.

However, I was thinking last night, what can I do for my country, as John Fitzgerald Kennedy once famously said. The answer to this was easy. So on my way back through Flitwick I stopped at my friendly branch of Joe Coral. I reckon our four main rivals for the cup this year are, in no particular order, Spain, Brazil, Argentina and Holland. I placed bets on all of them, hoping the curse of Scaley, so recently felt by Everton, Aston Villa and Manchester City in the Premier League race for fourth place, won as we know by Super Spurs, would strike again. I walked from the shop with a smug look on my face. That'll teach them to be favourites. I actually got 10-1 on the Dutch!

Of course I am slightly worried still. Against my better judgement I failed to include The Germans in my death spread bet. As I heard someone say yesterday,'never discount the Germans'. I might get back to Corals tomorrow........

The greatest German ever!

Here he is in better colours

Sunday 6 June 2010


OK OK I know, no posts for a while but we have had a busy time and a great five days in my favourite country good old SWEDEN. Some time ago Rustan fixed tickets to see Eric Clapton and Stevie Winwood in Malmo on 31st. May. So we thought we would make a real trip of it and go for a few days extra. The weather was great for the first few days and we made the most of it sitting out at street cafes, watching the world go by with our good friends.

Rustan avoids sunburn. May the force be with you my friend

An added bonus was a lovely invitation to spend a day in Bastad with friends Anna and Anders which is on the way to Malmo. So on Sunday off we went to Anna's family summer house.

Anders, barbie man

The weather was pretty good most of the time and we had a great tour of the beautiful quiet area where their summer cottage lies, right by the sea. Anna and Anders treated us to a fab Swedish meal, straight off the barbie...


We were soon off to Malmo for the concert. I went expecting to be underwhelmed but Eric and Stevie played a great set, plenty of old Traffic favourites and a couple of Blind Faith and Cream too. He also played some acoustic songs, the best of which was Layla......

And then an absolutely stonking version of Jimi Hendrix's Voodoo Chile (Slight Return) which of course Stevie played on way back in the 60's. To finish they exceeded even this with one of my favourite Traffic tunes 'Dear Mr. Fantasy' WOW. Thanks to Rustan for organising the trip. Well done mate.

Voodoo Chile